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Company Profile

Statement of Capabilities

ProFicient Technologies is an innovative source of expertise, sought and respected by dynamic, complex companies and organizations to help solve their challenges of growth, management, and policy. ProFicient Technologies offers consulting services that solve the specific challenges faced by our customers. ProFicient Technologies offers particular expertise in the following areas:


  • Marketing strategy
  • Proposal preparation
  • Strategic planning


  • Management information systems
  • Project management, including project controls and cost estimation systems
  • Organizational development


  • Policy analysis for government programs in environment, energy, and regulation
  • Policy analysis and development for commercial customers in human resources management

    ProFicient Technologies is known for its innovation and creativity, for its responsiveness, and above all, for the high value of its products and services. We believe in long-term customer relationships based on understanding and solving customer challenges and becoming part of the customer’s team for success.

    Following are some of the specific projects recently completed or currently underway.

    Consulting Services

    Project Management for Biomedical Testing
    A large non-profit organization that manufactures and distributes blood products to hospitals retained ProFicient Technologies to provide senior level project management support for a high visibility regulatory compliance initiative. The initiative was identified as the organization's highest priority project, requiring the involvement of numerous senior managers within the organization. The initiative required examination of improvements to virtually all aspects of mission critical operations within the organization. Technique: Intensive project scoping with core managment team including project definition and objectives, systems analysis, and task development. Used automated tools to develop and track project schedule, and prepare reports for team members and senior management (weekly) to update status. The initiative included over 75 separate tasks delegated to over 25 task leaders. Individual schedules and milestones were developed for each task. Result: a successful project, with over 90 percent of project tasks completed within 6 months. Project remained on schedule despite high turnover rate within the core management team for the client company. Result: a successful project, with over a million donations tested. Competitor companies have adopted the approach of our client, and the client project manager received a company award for project management.

    Project Management Support for Mission Critical Information Systems
    A large non-profit organization that manufactures and distributes blood products to hospitals retained ProFicient Technologies to provide database administration and systems support for its management level information systems. The client used several databases to track production quality and performance within its headquarters and all field offices. Systems were not secure or validated, and many systems were cumbersome, redundant, decentralized, and inadequately maintained. Technique: Conducted requirements analysis, systems and data consolidation, and streamlining to simplify all systems. Provided enhanced users tools, capabilities, and reporting mechanisms. Developed validation protocols and security measures. Result: eliminated duplicative or redundant systems, enhanced user capability, secure systems, and efficient data management. Successful implementation has led to developement of new information systems to further improve quality systems and operational performance.

    Analysis and Improvements to Corporate Marketing Information Systems:

    A large engineering construction firm, whose management was concerned over the ability of its internal MIS to accurately characterize its new business bookings, retained ProFicient Technologies to solve the problem and reassure managers that their new business development efforts were being recognized accurately. Technique: detailed analysis of the potential errors based on a valid sampling methodology and implementation of revised data entry and information system procedures. Result: credible findings, improved information, and satisfied managers.

    Strategic Proposal Preparation:

    A large Federal contractor, preparing a bid to retain its current operation of a U.S. Department of State facility, retained ProFicient Technologies to prepare a convincing case for winning the bid, including demonstration of benefits from the contractor’s operations to date. Technique: strategic analysis of customer requirements and preferences, detailed options analysis, and innovative presentation of the proposed approach. Result: WIN. Upon debrief, the contractor was informed by the client that the proposal was the best ever reviewed.

    Start-up of a Floor Decal Advertising Company:

    A newly formed company retained ProFicient Technologies to develop procedures for its operations, and to provide the conceptual design for its management information system to control operations. Technique: strategic analysis of customer requirements, procedure and system requirements analysis, pilot to use operational approach. Result: the company rapidly achieved its initial business objectives and plans to implement all recommendations pending receipt of financing.

    Start-up of Major Information System Support Task:

    A leading information technology company won a bid to support a government information system management organization, which in turn serves the Department of Energy environmental cleanup program. To succeed, the company needed to hire 41 people, ascertain operational requirements, and begin service in a matter of weeks. They retained ProFicient Technologies to ensure a smooth start-up and rapid progress toward implementing the customer’s strategic goals. Technique: Proficient Technologies prepared a detailed project management plan, including a resource-loaded schedule, to lay out for all participants the steps required to succeed. ProFicient prepared a strategic vision to demonstrate to the customer and the potential new hires that the new operation would succeed in achieving improved performance. ProFicient assisted in recruiting, facility acquisition and setup, budget preparation, and acquisition of system documentation. Result: a successful startup, with 90% of employees on board within the first four weeks following award.

    ProFicient Technologies Inc.
    P.O. Box 2294
    Rockville, MD 20847 USA
    01-(301) 881-1913 phone/fax
    01-(202)318-2473 fax